Brands that stick like bubblegum

Brand-building means creating a new set of associations to attract the right attention and opportunities

I help by identifying the most advantageous space for your business to play in, and the right words to do the hard work for you. All so that you shine bright, stand apart and stick in the mind for all the right reasons.

Brand positioning

You’ve got a business and a ton of ideas. But they’re all over the place. You need the time and space to figure out what it means for you and your brand. I’m here to provide a guiding hand, helping you hone your bright ideas into a clear creative and commercial direction.

Product positioning

You have a Thing™. It may be a daydream-in-progress, or real-world product or service. And you need help to make it sing in a competitive market. I take you on the journey from product to brand, finding that just-right positioning that makes your thing™ the only thing your people want.


You have a Thing™, you need a name. You’ve tried and you’re going round in circles. I can guide you through a strategic naming process that’ll generate ownable options, open up surprising commercial directions, and help you choose the right name for you.

Verbal Identity

We’ve crafted a strategic direction together. Now we need to express what you’re about in language that feels like you. I work collaboratively with designers to craft brand narratives, messaging and worlds that give you distinctive character and cut through.

See my work

Download my portfolio and find out. If you’re looking for more specific examples, get in touch directly.

What's great about Becca is that she really, really cares about every project she undertakes, thinking deeply about everything to really get under the skin of what the client needs. She understands that the right strategy approach and copy can be genuinely transformative and takes the time to craft narratives that are both practical and inspiring.
Alice Walker, Verbal Strategy Director, Koto London

Weaving new
worlds together

Consider this your call to adventure.

Step towards the unknown. Embrace the process. Together, we’ll build a brand that sticks in the mind, cuts to the heart and the right people feel in their bones.